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As a result, the metabolic processes in the body slow down

As a result, the metabolic processes in the body slow down

Hives usually exist for several years

Like the information portal for urticaria sufferers "Urticaria Network" reports, around one in ten 15 to 35 year olds suffers from heat reflex hives. However, very few people are aware of this. Many people come to terms with the rash without consulting a doctor and without a diagnosis. According to the "star" it is around 80 percent who forego treatment.

Urticaria: Chronic Hives – Recurring Skin Rash Symptoms Of Skin Disease: How To Tell If You Have Hives Skin Diseases: Hives: Causes Of Hives Skin Diseases: Complementary Medicine For Hives: Ways Health: Hives causes itchy hives

On average, cholinergic urticaria appears for six to eight years before it disappears as inexplicably as it appeared. However, around 30 percent have struggled with it for more than ten years. As with other physical forms of urticaria, treatment is usually symptomatic: antihistamines suppress the itching and rash.

Anyone with chronic urticaria knows how excruciating rashes and itching can be. As an alternative to medication, complementary medicine offers relief for hives. The forms of therapy include homeopathy, climatic therapy and light therapy as well as herbal medicine.

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Complementary medicine for hives: when does it make sense?

Doctors differentiate between acute and chronic hives. Like the health portal "" reported, the symptoms are limited to swelling and wheals lasting a few hours in 90 percent of all those affected. But if these occur frequently and over several weeks, it is a chronic hives.

Many of the patients struggle with the itching for years, and in some cases with gastrointestinal complaints. If a conventional doctor cannot find a clear cause, therapy usually consists of long-term medication with antihistamines. Complementary medicine for hives, for example homeopathy, is gentler.

Homeopathy: globules against itching and wheals

Particularly in the case of a strong burning sensation, which can extend to pain, and in the case of heat urticaria, homeopathy with globules may help. Urtica urens or Apis mellifica are suitable for therapy with these symptoms.

If the wheals form as a result of intense solar radiation or a change in climate, sodium chloratum should provide a remedy. With all globules, however, it should be noted that they can only complement conventional medical treatment, but not replace it. They cannot do anything against acute attacks.

Climate therapy and light therapy

Typical elements of complementary medicine for hives are climatic therapy and light therapy. They aim to expose the body to certain stimuli in order to get it used to them slowly and in a targeted manner.

Conversely, it also helps to avoid these influences: About half of those affected experience relief from a stay at a spa on the Baltic Sea or in the mountains. Irradiation with sunlamps or UVA1 rays can also achieve similar results.

Relieve symptoms with medicinal plants

If the itching becomes too severe, Kneipp affusions, sulphurous and oily baths or compresses can help. You can use the medicinal plants chamomile, rockrose, witch hazel, marigold, oak bark or aroma-free black tea for the infusion.

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If you have identified cold, wet or pressure as the trigger for the hives, you can use bittersweet stalks as tablets, ointments or drops. This medicinal plant is considered a natural cortisone due to its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Hives, also called urticaria, is a skin condition that manifests itself as an itchy rash. Expectant mothers in particular ask themselves whether hives can be dangerous for the child during pregnancy. Here you will find answers on the topic.

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Hives in Pregnancy

Basically, hives during pregnancy are not a problem. Normally, the skin disease does not affect the health of the unborn child, nor is it a danger to the mother-to-be. It often even happens that the symptoms of urticaria go away during this time.

If the symptoms of the rash do not improve, it is recommended that you speak to your doctor about appropriate therapy. Caution: Not all medications are allowed during pregnancy – especially the use of cortisone should only be done with a doctor’s approval.

Urticaria during breastfeeding

The same applies to hives during breastfeeding as to hives during pregnancy – urticaria does not affect the health of the child. However, you should be careful with taking medication here too.

Skin Diseases: Hives – Treatment of Urticaria Skin Disease Symptoms: How To Tell If You Have Hives Skin Diseases: Hives in Children: Mostly Harmless Rash Skin Diseases: Complementary Medicine for Hives: Health Options: Hives cause itchy hives

Active ingredients from the medication can get into the child’s body through breast milk, which should be avoided at all costs. So be sure to tell your doctor if you are breastfeeding your child.

The causes of hives are often puzzling. In less than ten percent of those affected, the reason for chronic urticaria can be determined. The skin condition is one of the most common skin diseases.

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What are the causes of hives?

Hives, also called urticaria, are characterized by a rash characterized by itchy wheals. Doctors differentiate between acute urticaria, which occurs suddenly and disappears after a few days or weeks, and chronic urticaria, which lasts longer than six weeks. According to the health portal "" causes the rash to be identified in less than ten percent of chronic hives. According to information from "", an information platform for those affected, around 800,000 people in Germany develop this rash.

However, the doctors agree that the messenger substance histamine plays an important role in the causes of hives. This is released by inflammatory cells in the skin, so-called mast cells, when they are activated. The messenger substance expands the blood vessels, which makes the vessel walls more permeable and fluid deposits form in the skin layers, which lead to the visible wheals. The itching is caused by the binding of histamine to the nerve cells of the affected skin layer. An allergic reaction is often the trigger for the release of histamine. In many cases, however, it is difficult to determine the cause.

Viral or bacterial infections

Hives can also be caused by viral infections or bacterial infections. Chronic spontaneous hives became loud "pharmacy magazine" a recurrent bacterial infection is often detected. Even if the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is in the stomach, it is causally linked to the rash.

Complex interplay of several factors

In the case of chronic intolerance urticaria, repeated ingestion of a substance to which there is a non-allergic intolerance is assumed to be the trigger. These are often additives in food such as preservatives or flavorings and colorings. In autoreactive urticaria, the mast cells react to antibodies in the blood of those affected.

Diseases: Neurodermatitis in Children – How to Recognize the Skin Disease Skin Diseases: Hives in Children: Usually harmless rash Causes of Neurodermatitis in Children Health: Hives causes itchy wheals Neurodermatitis: Prevention during pregnancy

External triggers such as heat, cold or pressure are also among the causes of hives – in these cases doctors speak of physical urticaria. Experts see the causes of hives primarily in a complex interplay between the environment, the immune system and genes. Stress and psychological stress are also named as causes.

If our thyroid gets out of sync, it can have serious consequences for our health. According to the Thyroid League Germany e.V., around three million Germans suffer from a malfunction of the thyroid, mostly without knowing it. But not only iodine is important for the small organ. Selenium also plays an important role in the supply.

Hypothyroidism due to selenium deficiency

The thyroid is the most selenium-rich organ in the body. Among other things, it influences the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract and also controls our metabolism. A deficiency in the trace elements iodine and selenium can lead to thyroid diseases. The result is an over- or under-functioning of the organ.

In the case of underactive, for example, insufficient thyroid hormones are no longer produced. As a result, the metabolic processes in the body slow down. You are less efficient, tired and gain weight more easily. Constipation, circulatory disorders, and low blood pressure are also symptoms. It can even result in depression. Women in particular are affected by hypofunction.

Iodine deficiency is rather rare

The thyroid needs iodine so that it can make all the hormones it needs. The daily iodine intake should be 200 micrograms. Anyone who regularly has bread, dairy products, fish, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli and lamb’s lettuce on the menu is well looked after. Iodized salt is also available in the supermarket, which also supplements the iodine intake. By the way: cigarette smoke blocks iodine absorption in the body.

Selenium clears up the thyroid

Iodine deficiency is rarely the cause of thyroid disease. It becomes problematic when there is too little selenium in the body. According to the medical newspaper, selenium is indispensable for the normal function of the thyroid gland, as it protects the organ from harmful breakdown products that arise during the production of thyroid hormones. Selenium acts like a clean-up here, because it detoxifies the thyroid. An inadequate selenium supply can disrupt the thyroid function, according to the Ärztezeitung. According to the Federal Thyroid Cancer Association, selenium deficiency actually increases the risk of thyroid cancer.

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There is plenty of selenium in Brazil nuts

Selenium is found in Brazil nuts, eggs, fish such as tuna and redfish, as well as in red meat and offal, especially in the kidneys and liver. Selenium supplements, on the other hand, should only be taken after consulting a doctor. A blood test can show whether there is a deficiency. Even if the thyroid gland is already present, selenium can reduce inflammation.

Antihistamines are usually used to combat hives, also known as urticaria. Alternatively, home remedies for hives work at least against the symptoms of the annoying rash. Here are some tips for relieving the itchiness.

Common skin diseases
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Home remedies for hives: cold and baths

A home remedy for hives is cold. Wrap cold compresses or ice packs in a cloth and then press them lightly onto the itchy areas. The itching should be less than after about 20 minutes. As an alternative to cold therapy, cool baths can help against the symptoms of hives: Add baking soda or baking soda – about half a cup – to the water and take a short bath.

However, your skin should not get too cold – otherwise there is a risk of cold damage. Caution is also advised with cold urticaria: if you suffer from this special form of hives, in which the skin reacts to cold stimuli, you should not use these home remedies.

More tips against the rash

As with almost all skin rashes, the following rule applies: Do not scratch! One measure is to cut your fingernails very short if you are affected so as not to be tempted to scratch the itchy wheals. The scratches can become infected and worsen the clinical picture.

In addition to cold pads and baths, ointments also relieve the symptoms. Applying some marigold tincture or ointment to the affected areas of the skin can work wonders. Vinegar rubbing and quark compresses also have a cooling effect and temporarily relieve itching, but can also dry out the skin.

Consult a doctor if symptoms persist

If home remedies for the rash are not giving the desired effect, you should also ask your doctor about suitable medication to relieve symptoms. If the symptoms persist and recur, you could suffer from chronic hives, which your doctor can determine through various tests.

Skin diseases: Hives in children: mostly harmless skin rash Skin diseases: Cold urticaria – hives caused by the cold Skin diseases: Cholinergic urticaria due to increased body temperature Urticaria: Chronic hives – recurring rash Skin diseases: White spot disease – pigmentation disorder in the rash skin diseases: An itchy skin diseases: An itchy medicine There are many health causes: hives cause itchy wheals

Although the cause of urticaria is often unclear, the disease can be treated well.

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